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Camilleri Preziosi has contributed to a Lexology Q and A on electricity generation and distribution in Malta

Ron Galea Cavallazzi, Rya Gatt and Iana Said have contributed to a succinct Q&A on the regulation of electricity generation and distribution in Malta. The Q&A considers the specific electricity regulatory regime adopted in Malta, which is on the most part influenced by the geophysical restrictions of the country – where it considers amongst others the organisation of the market, licensing requirements, tariff-setting, and other functions of regulatory bodies.

The Q&A looks into the policy framework that the country adopts, focusing on stimulating the production of electricity from low-carbon resources, predominantly by maximizing its renewable energy potential by resorting to photovoltaics, off-shore renewables, the installation of a secondary interconnector and financing of battery storage facilities.

To read the article click on this link.

“Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Lexology GTDT – Electricity Regulation 2024. For further information, please visit:”.