Compliance with the regime and particular regulations applicable to the sector is key when advising public sector entities. The firm’s engagements and experience over the past two decades allow it to fully appreciate the various considerations of relevance in public sector engagements and large-scale projects.
We have been entrusted to advise both public sector entities in realising large-scale projects, as well as private operators engaged in the implementation of projects, including public-private partnerships and concession contracts, becoming the counsel of choice in servicing our clients in this sector.
Our expertise allows us to provide a full range of advice including on EU law, State aid and public procurement, together with sector-specific expertise, which are key in advising on such projects.
Our expertise in this area includes:
- advising on large-scale public projects in the ICT, Energy and transport sectors;
- advising on public procurement and State aid;
- advice on data protection and freedom of information;
- securitisation and structured finance;
- advice on EU law and regulation.