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Camilleri Preziosi contributes to Mondaq’s ESG Comparative Guide

Malcolm Falzon, Louisa Firman and Liam Axisa have contributed, once again, the Malta Chapter to the ESG Comparative Guide, published by Mondaq.

In summary, the Guide covers the following topics:

1) Legal and enforcement framework

The regulatory regimes and codes of practice that primarily govern environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulation and implementation in Malta; the powers of the regulators responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the rules and codes that make up the ESG framework; private sector initiatives which have been launched to complement the ESG framework.

2) Scope of application

Entities that are captured by the rules and codes that make up the principal elements of the ESG framework in Malta; how those entities not subject to specific ESG rules or codes are implementing ESG; the principal ESG issues in Malta that are either part of the ESG framework or part of the implementation of ESG.

3) Disclosure and transparency

The primary ESG disclosure obligations applicable in Malta; voluntary disclosures commonly made in Malta; the role played in this regard by the board; best practices to be considered concerning ESG reporting and disclosure.

4) Full transparency

How ESG strategy is typically designed and implemented in Maltese companies; the mechanisms typically utilised to monitor the implementation of ESG strategy; the role played in this regard by the board; the alignment of executive compensation with ESG strategy; best practices to be considered concerning the design and implementation of ESG strategy.

5) Financing

The general approach of lenders towards ESG; debt instruments marketed as ‘sustainable’ in Malta; key developments that have taken place in the structuring of these instruments; best practices to be considered in relation to ESG in the financing context.

6) ESG activism

The role institutional investors and other activist shareholders play in shaping ESG; how activist shareholders typically seek to exert influence on corporations; which areas of ESG shareholders are currently focused; whether ESG activism increasing or decreasing, how and why.

7) Other stakeholders and rights holders

The role stakeholders and rights holders play in shaping ESG; and what influence they can exert on a company.

8) Trends and predictions

A description of the current ESG landscape and prevailing trends; new developments anticipated in the next 12 months.

9) Tips and traps

Top tips for effective ESG implementation and potential sticking points.

You can view the full chapter by clicking here

Reproduced with permission from Mondaq. This Guide was first published in Mondaq - Malta: ESG Comparative Guide.

Malcolm Falzon

Malcolm Falzon, Louisa Firman and Liam Axisa have contributed, once again, the Malta Chapter to the ESG Comparative Guide, published by Mond...

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Louisa Firman

Malcolm Falzon, Louisa Firman and Liam Axisa have contributed, once again, the Malta Chapter to the ESG Comparative Guide, published by Mond...

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Liam Axisa

Malcolm Falzon, Louisa Firman and Liam Axisa have contributed, once again, the Malta Chapter to the ESG Comparative Guide, published by Mond...

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